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Luxury Valentines Bouquet


Show your love this Valentines Day with our new Luxury bouquet from Ipswich Florist.

This delicate and modern bouquet is full of large headed red roses, pink spray roses, dianthus, lisianthus and eucalyptus. wrapped in layers of paper and finished with velvet ribbon, creating a truly unforgettable presentation.

Handcrafted with Love: Our talented team of local florists in Ipswich crafts each bouquet with passion and expertise, ensuring every bloom is arranged to perfection.

Available in 5 sizes, including our show stopping ‘Wow Factor’ bouquet, you can select the perfect bouquet to suit any occasion and budget. *large pictured*

Experience the convenience of hand delivery directly to your loved one’s door this Valentine’s Day in Ipswich and surrounding areas, or collect your stunning bouquet from our Ipswich Florist.

Please let us know any colour preferences.
Feel free to let us know any additional information.
Write a message below if you would like a Gift Card with the order.